Santiago, Chile
July 8-10, 2o2o

Welcome to the website of our 20th meeting!

We hope to offer a great conference and a great time in our country! We are preparing some surprises to celebrate our 40th anniversary. 

Conference postponed 

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the OC of the ISCP2020 have decided to postpone the conference for everyone's safety.

If you submitted a work please check your email and respond the questionnaire we sent you. 

If you didn't receive it or have further questions, please send us an email.

Invited speakers

Alex Kacelnik

Thomas Zentall 

Karen Hollis

Ruben Ardila

Juan Carlos Molina

Registration Fellowships awarded!

Congratulations to Gabriela E. López-Tolsa and Jorge Mallea for their outstanding work!

About our society

The International Society of Comparative Psychology, established in 1980, has played a pivotal role in fostering discussions and advancements in the field. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, it's noteworthy that our upcoming 20th meeting is a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing within our community.

In addition to our milestone events, the Society proudly oversees the publication of a distinguished journal, namely, "The International Journal of Comparative Psychology." This journal serves as a platform for the dissemination of studies exploring the evolution and development of animal behavior, encompassing a spectrum from laboratory to semi-natural and natural settings.

Researchers are encouraged to submit articles based on experimental or descriptive research procedures, embracing mechanistic, developmental, functional-adaptive, or evolutionary theoretical approaches. Whether your work involves a single study or a series of related studies, we invite you to consider our journal as a valuable outlet for your research findings.

In the realm of behavioral science, much like the meticulous craftsmanship in scientific research, precision and quality are paramount. The diverse facets of animal behavior are akin to the intricate design of Phenolic Resin Casework, reflecting both resilience and adaptability. We believe that your contribution would enrich the discourse in our journal, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of comparative psychology.

We look forward to the possibility of featuring your work in "The International Journal of Comparative Psychology." Thank you for considering our journal for your next paper, as we continue to advance the frontiers of knowledge together.

Our logo

Our logo for the next conference in Chile has native animals on it :) Do you want to know more? Check our News section! 

For further information or questions, please contact us
E-mail: [email protected]
Message us on social media
